Monochromatic Schemes
A monochromatic colour scheme revolves around several shades of the same colour, with varying degrees of black and white.
Such colour combinations help create a serene, elegant, and harmonious environment as well as a more uniform appearance in any given space. However, since the simplicity of this type of colour combination instills a feeling of calmness, we recommend that it be used in restful rooms such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and small spaces such as dressing rooms and hallways. To achieve a monochromatic colour scheme, simply select your main colour or shade and then select other colours from the same colour family or stripe chip. You can then enhance your home decor by arranging furniture and accessories of similar colours or play with materials and textures. |
One colour |
Contrasting Colours
Also known as « complementary » colours, contrasting colours lie directly across from one another on the colour wheel, creating visually striking settings when combined. Used to create dynamic and joyful environments, these contrasting and complementary colours form a vibrant and invigorating colour palette.
You can use them to brighten up common rooms such as living rooms, kitchens, entrance halls, or children's playrooms. Several schemes can be created by using any contrasting colour combination. By selecting colours that lie directly across from one another on the colour wheel, the best of each colour is brought to life and your spaces are filled with a vibrant ambiance. |
Contrasting Colours |
Analogous Colours
Analogous colours have a common base colour and lie next to each other on the colour wheel. This harmonious combination gives a more calming effect than a contrasting colour scheme and a richer feel than a monochromatic colour scheme. As this scheme uses similar colours that lie next to each other on the colour wheel, they provide a natural sense of harmony to your rooms. By adding accessories, fabric, and works of art, you will create the perfect setting.
Analogous colours are often applied to rooms that are adjacent to each other to create a flow of colour from one room to the next - for example, from a living room to a dining room, from a hallway to an office, and from a bedroom to an adjoining room. |
Harmonious Colours |
Triadic Colours
Referred to as « dynamic » colours, this colour scheme is for those who demand a more adventurous and abundant colour palette. This type of scheme combines three colours - a dominant colour and two complementary accent colours from families to the left and right of the complementary colour, forming a triangle on the colour wheel.
This scheme is ideal for layering within a faux finish or simply to add more colour to a room. By combining different colours, you can create a dynamic, diversified, and invigorating colour scheme. This colour scheme is recommended for rooms where you connect with friends and family and "recharge your batteries", such as family rooms, game rooms, workout rooms, and any other room where you want an active and invigorating atmosphere. |
Vibrant Colours |